About our partners
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Recycling Atelier: The first Makers Faktory for mechanical textile recycling


Mainly, downcycling to low quality products (e.g. cleaning rags) takes place.


High material diversity of used textiles leads to challenges in recycling.


Fast fashion is a driver for large quantities of lower quality textiles. 

Our vision of the textile loop

High-quality recycling instead of landfilling and energetic
utilization in our recycling atelier.


Area concept

The Atelier enables the path of textile secondary raw materials back into high-quality products


  • Development of new products and processes for textile secondary raw materials within the framework of a Makers Factory

  • Development of concepts, for the complete recycling of used textiles back to new products in the best possible quality by: 
    • Integrated and high quality recycling (Upcycling)
    • cycle-oriented product design (Design 4 Recycling)


  • Industrial realization of recycling concepts and business models


  • Learning Factory as a training and further education facility



Our partner model

Bundled competence leads to new recycling products faster through innovative technologies along the entire process chain!


Our partners

A Projekt with 

Gefördert durch die Hightech Agenda Bayern des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Premium partner


Technology partners






Click on each logo for more information.

Research partners


Supported by


Service offer of the Recyclingatelier Augsburg



Contact us


Dr.-Ing. Georg Stegschuster

Research associate
Manager Recycling Studio


Tel.: +49 176 22585915



Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Brocker

Thermomechanisches und Chemisches Recycling
Projektmanagerin Chemiefasertechnik & Vertrieb
Tel.: +49 241 8023255



Amon Krichel, M.Sc.

Research associate
Textile recycling


Tel.: +49 171 8371022



Bettina Cherdron, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Research associate
Textile recycling & composites
Tel.: +49 176 61760591



Dipl.-Ing. Elke Lamberts-Steffes

Mechanisches Recycling
Projektmanagerin Textilmaschinenbau & Vertrieb
Tel.: +49 241 8023287


Sie finden uns am Standort Sigma-Technopark